About Us

Our Company

Originated by an anesthesiologist, a lawyer, and an insurance executive, DenTrust was created to protect patients from the costs of dental injury resulting from endoscopy or surgery while under anesthesia. DenTrust is the only program of its kind designed to ensure your smile will be protected.

At DenTrust, our primary goals are prioritizing patient safety, the reduction of healthcare costs, and the relief of litigation risks creating a superior patient experience.

This affordable protection from dental damage is available directly from your provider’s office in all 50 states.


Protect your SmileTM

Get in touch with us. Our team will answer your questions.

Did you Know?

DenTrust is the only product of its kind designed to protect you from costly dental repairs occurring during surgery or endoscopy.

The Situation
  • Medical devices used during the administration of anesthesia for surgery or endoscopy, can cause severe dental injuries.
  • Many anesthesia consent forms include a liability release of the medical provider in the event of dental injury.
  • Up to 25% of anesthesia related dental injuries result in broken teeth, with repair costs reaching upwards of $3,000 per incident, depending on the severity of the damage.
  • Unfortunately, neither your doctor’s experience nor skills will avoid the possibility of injury.
  • Health and dental insurance do not cover damages caused by third parties.
  • The patient is left financially responsible and out-of-pocket for all dental repairs.
  • Filing a claim or lawsuit against your doctor, surgical center or hospital is costly, takes years before conclusion, and you are not guaranteed to win.
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The Solution
  • Purchase peace of mind through the cost effective DenTrust Protection Plan available at your provider’s office.
  • If you suffer dental damage during a procedure, you make one call and DenTrust handles the process from start to finish.
  • You are free to visit a dentist of your choice.
  • The DenTrust Protection will pay for your dental damage repairs up to $5,000.
  • No deductible.
  • No co-pays.
  • No hidden fees.
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